Volunteer Application


    For each day you are available, please enter an hour range.
    [ For example, 9am - 2pm ]

    On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being least comfortable and 5 being most comfortable, rate your comfort with each of the following types of work
  • As a volunteer at the Historic State Theater Complex, I agree to and understand the following conditions:
    1. Imay be subject to a records check by the State prior to my volunteer work.
    2. I will attend all training, orientation, and/or preparation sessions as needed.
    3. I will abide by all Historic State Theater Complex rules and regulations or be subject to dismissal from future volunteer opportunities
    4. I will do my best to honor all commitments to work as scheduled and if I must be absent from a scheduled engagement, I will notify the Historic State Theater office as soon as possible.